Write That Down
Everything's Funny To Someone.

Friday, June 24, 2005  

Because She Worked So Hard For It

A woman in Kentucky was duped by a radio station promotion into thinking she had won $100,000.00, but instead the grand prize was a 100 Grand candy bar.

So, of course, she's suing for the actual cash money.

I'm split on this issue. On the one hand, I have little to no sympathy for someone who thinks they deserve one hundred large for listening to a radio station for two hours and is the tenth caller. On the other, deceptive promotional stunts like this are pretty weak, no matter how tasty a 100 Grand candy bar can be, and they're pretty sweet, yo.

Luckily for her, the lawsuit is not without merit nor precedence, so she will probably walk away with a hefty payday (har har) - larger than the $5,000 she was initially offered, though probably not as much as $100,000. I'm guessing they settle for 50 grand.

Now here's the funny part. According to the article, before she knew what was going on, she promised her three children that they'd have a minivan, a shopping spree, a savings account and a home with a back yard.

It is Kentucky after all, but a home? With a back yard? And all those other things? For a hundred grand? Less taxes?

Putting her real estate expertise aside, what also makes me chuckle is that she is quoted as saying "nobody would watch and listen for two hours for a candy bar."

I'm going to sheepishly raise my hand here and say, "I would."

posted by ben | 1:24 PM |
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