Write That Down
Everything's Funny To Someone.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004  

Low-Carb, Low-Gravity Candy

In this article about yesterday's SpaceShipOne flight, they reported a " 'serious anomaly' that caused the ship to pitch and roll at the top of its flight -- throwing it 22 miles off course in just five seconds."

Later on in the article, it says Pilot Mike Melville "celebrated reaching space by releasing a bag of M&Ms (a candy brand that happens to share his initials) in the cockpit just as he achieved weightlessness. 'I let them go in front of my face,' he said. 'I was so blown away I couldn't even fly the airplane.' "

I think you may have found your anomaly.

posted by ben | 10:09 AM | (0) comments

Monday, June 21, 2004  

No, I Didn't

Getting hit by a bus is great acupuncture for your sunburn.

posted by ben | 8:31 PM | (0) comments

Thursday, June 17, 2004  

Fry Art

Followed this link from Fark and was pleased to see that the ball of paint's owner is a man by the name of Mike Carmichael. I was reminded of one of Stephen Fry's giddy quotes from Moab is my Washpot when he himself went to school with a Michael Carmichael, and imagined him being instructed to get into the family auto:

"Get in the Carmichael car, Michael Carmichael."

It's fun.

posted by ben | 1:37 PM | (0) comments

This seems a little over the top.

"My three friends can't read about what I thought of the Everwood rerun last night. You suck."

posted by ben | 11:17 AM | (0) comments


Why is it that one of the hardest questions to answer in idle-chat conversation is "what's going on?" or "what are you doing with yourself?" or some variation thereof.

I feel like I need to respond with something interesting, but all that comes out is, "same ol', same ol'" or "not much" or some such similar tripe.

It's even harder to answer when this question originates from somebody within the theatre community - because I'm an actor and I should be acting. Usually, though, I'm not.

The next time someone asks me what I'm working on now, I'm just gonna go all bug-eyed and yell, "You stop changing colors!"

Now that's interesting.

posted by ben | 9:20 AM | (0) comments

Tuesday, June 15, 2004  

Mad Skillz

Looking at a painting...

she: That little boy looks like a Roman Alfred E. Newman.
me: What, me tu, Brutae?
she: Yes, you're very funny. Shut up.

posted by ben | 4:12 PM | (0) comments

Friday, June 11, 2004  

"It's so old school, there's asbestos everywhere."

posted by ben | 3:54 PM | (0) comments

Tuesday, June 08, 2004  

Wi-fi Art Thou, Winston?

Seattle City Council member Jim Compton wants the city to investigate creating a municipally owned wireless network providing city-wide Internet access in order to compete with private providers and bring down service costs.

With lower costs, though, comes the dubious honor of a government owned, controlled – and possibly monitored – wi-fi system.

He says he expects "vigorous conversation...about breaking down barriers between city departments and public enterprise."

"Barriers" meaning "doors between your now illegally owned ISP and a government SWAT team."

< /conspiracy theorist >

In other wi-fi news, this looks like a fun toy.

posted by ben | 9:45 AM | (0) comments

Wednesday, June 02, 2004  

Fruitless Qwest

Good lord.

posted by ben | 11:58 AM | (0) comments

Dave Dreaming

In a sparsely attended meeting this morning:

Anne: Isn't Dave here? I thought he was here. Or am I dreaming?
me: Drag. You dream of Dave?

posted by ben | 10:48 AM | (0) comments
for the fun size mind