Write That Down
Everything's Funny To Someone.

Friday, January 26, 2007  

In Seam

Ever notice that on a pair of blue jeans, the outside seam changes direction on one leg? Go ahead, feel the outside seams on your blue jeans.


Why does this bother me?

posted by ben | 1:42 PM | (0) comments

Wednesday, January 24, 2007  

Somewhere along the "new" blogger line, they've gotten rid of the "republish archives" function.

At least I think they have, though I'd be hard pressed to tell you where all my archives went.

posted by ben | 7:45 PM | (0) comments

Monday, January 01, 2007  

Vicki Vale had it coming

The best tail end of a conversation I've had in awhile was treated to the patrons of the Taco del Mar as John Galt and I walked in for a food unit last week:

me: Are you saying that mentally maladjusted people can't sustain meaningful relationships?
JG: No. I'm saying Batman can't.

posted by ben | 9:39 PM | (0) comments
for the fun size mind